Prof. (Dr.) Nilufar Sultana
ConsultantObstetrics and Gynaecology
Apollo Hospital Dhaka.
Profile: She is trained in Reproductive medicine from India and Srilanka. She has also got training in coloscopy, Lapaoscopic surgery & Fistula surgery and acts as a master trainer of fistula surgery in National Fistula Center, DMCH.Professor Dr. Nilufar Sultana is also a medical teacher of Gynae for about 20 years and now working as a professor of Gynae & Obstetrics in Dhaka Medical College and Hospital and involved in various types of research works.Professor Dr. Nilufar Sultana completed MBBS degree from Sylhet Medical College. she obtained FCPS Degree (Gynae) from BCPS, Dhaka. She has joined Apollo Hospitals Dhaka as a fixed time consultant.She is a Gynaecologist and Obstetrician for last 23 years.
Apollo Hospital Dhaka
Plot: 81, Block: E, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh
Visiting period & Hours: Days: Sat,Sun,Mon,Tues,Thurs
Time: 4:30 PM - 6:45 PMlevel-4 (OPD)
APPOINTMENT : 10678 (Hotline)(02) 5503724209606-276555
MBBS, FCPS (Gynae & Obs), FICS (USA)Gynecology & ObstetricsChamber: Labaid Hospital. House- 06, Road-04, Dhanmondi.Dhaka 1205, BangladeshVisiting Hours:- 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM & 6 PM - 9:00 PM,
Hotline:- 10606 (For Serial), Thursday & Friday Closed
Professor Dr. Kohinoor Begum
MBBS, FCPS (Gynae)Specialty: Gynaecologist
Professor,Gynae & Obs. Specialist & Surgeon
Popular Medical College
Chamber: Ibn Sina Specialized Hospital Dhanmondi
House #68, Road #15/A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209
Appointment: 55029101-9
Chamber Time: Every Wednesday at 05:00 pm to 09:00pm
Ground Floor, Room Number:26
MBBS, MPH, FCPS, MRCOG, FRCOG (London)Professor & Head of the Depart (Obs/Gyne)
Chamber : MEDINOVA House No. 71/A, Rood No. 5/A,
Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1 205
Visiting Hours : 6 pm to 9 pm.
Closed : Thursday, Friday & Govt. Holidays
For Appointment Dial : 02-586 10661-5, 02-58610682-4
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